MOU & Collaborations
We are joining hands with the most reputed Universities/colleges and research institutions for the benefit of Life Sciences and human welfare in other hand. In this regards ITLS has signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)with following esteemed organization:
1. Shobhit University, Meerut, U.P, India
2. College of Engineering & Technology, Moradabad, U.P, India
3. DayanandBachhrawan P.G. College, Raebareli, U.P, India
4. Brahmanand (PG) College, Kanpur, U.P, India
5. School of Biotechnology, Devi AhilyaVishwavidyalaya, Indore, M.P, India
6. Shoolini University, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India
7. Career College, Bhopal, M.P, India
8. Rameshwaram Institute of Technology & Management, Lucknow, U.P, India
9. S. Sinha College, Aurangabad, Bihar, India
10. IPS Academy, Indore.
11. Lilavati Nandlal Kilachand College of Education (CTE)-(CPE), Patan-384265, Gujarat (LNKCTE)
12. Sheth Motilal Nyalchand Science College, Patan-384265, Gujarat (SMNSC)
13. ITLS is a Business Promoter of Regional Food Research and Analysis Centre (RFRAC), Lucknow